What an UGLY term......People use it everyday.....this shirt is "retarded", one friend to another...."Your so retarded" Well recently on Facebook a friends son used this term to describe people that make dumb decisions....the topic was how about how some people take advantage of others and he said and I quote , "Seeing how retarded some people are just reminds you of your place in society." WOW that truely stabbed me right in the heart......So before you read my response, truely evaluate your slang and change it if you use this term..................Everytime you use it Who your referring to are people that were BORN with disabilities...they didn't ask to be this way....but they are....they are loving , wonderful beings that deserve the utmost respect from us....the ones that should be seeing them as humans...not second class, not as stupid, but as our sisters and brothers that stand right beside us.......here was my response. Please if you would like to snag this and post it on your blog, feel free......we can change this one person at a time.....
At the risk of being deleted as a friend...I can't stay silent. I am sure you didn't mean it at all the way I took it.....But you used the word "retarded" to describe some people. Well I take great offense to that. My daughters ,... both biologically mine and my husbands , and they are Intellectually Challenged, the former term was Retarded. And even tho it has become a slang term to define people that don't things accordingly , what your essentially describing that people like my daughters have no place in society because they are stupid and can't make decisions for themselves....you are degrading them....they are lovely young ladies that deserve far more respect then to be described as second class citizens. What I would suggest in the future for you...being as bright as you are , is to do what your father says, enroll in your classes but be EDUCATED on the politeness of others less fortunate that will never have the opportunity that you have to attend college. Go spread the word that the word "retarded" is NOT acceptable to describe anyone in anyway....even if it is general population making bad decisions. Those people you can lovingly refer to as "irresponsible" that would be the best description. Retarded is a word that should not be used ....it is very degrading. I pray you never have to endure the anguish my husband and I go through for our daughters on a day to day basis because people are not educated in dealing with Intellectually challenged people......I have vowed as long as I have breath in me that I would not stand for the injustice society reeks on them....and so I will educate you on this terrible word. Thank you.
Good for you. It's important to speak up. Sometimes I fear offending the offender but I believe in teaching people how demeaning this terrible slur is.
All the best to you and your family.
Thank you so much.
I applaud you on your handling of this. While you made your point I don't think you bashed him over the head too much. Lanuage has more power than most people realize.
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