Thursday, September 13, 2007

Time Flies

Where did the time go? End of summer? A new year in school....thats my sweeties on the first day!!!!!!!!!!!!My baby turning 14! HolyMoly! I guess that this means I am getting older............ sigh.............. better preserved perhaps? LOL!!!

Well my DH did it. He wrecked on the ATV....and boy was it a mess, We have a Honda Forman and he did, well the tree did $2,800 worth of damage! OUCH! He said that at the last minute and hand reached down and pulled him off....he and his buddy (these two always find trouble) said that had he not fallen off at that moment and joined the 4 wheeler hitting the trees he would be here today.....Well how am I suppose to feel about that??? We took it to the shop that very next day and I didn't even have time to get a photo....Dang, that would have made a great layout and a small reminder to him to be careful!

The kids are back to routines and loving school this year. I remember the first few weeks of school, the new supplies, new clothes, new friends. I miss those days of innocence, however nowadays there is NOTHING innocent about teens. Seriously, don't parents take note of how some of these kids are dressing? FlipFlops for crying in a on earth can you run in those things if there was an emergency?
Speaking of FlipFlops, I was growning up in the 80's era, and back then we called those Thongs....So I was shopping with my Senior and I said , "OH COOL!!! Look at these Thongs!"
She about died of embarassment and gently reminded me they were flip flops, thongs were now underware. Floss I call them, how can anyone where those things????????Speaking of summer, before school started we took the kids to a local hotel and went swimming all evening and had a blast, here is a family photo of us at Red Robin dining Al Fresco........

and one of Me and the DH, my FAVORITE.

I feel sorry for this generation....They lose their innocence early on, pushed into really bad clothing, or lack there of.....take Brittany for instance. I don't think she is fat AT ALL!!! I wished I looked that good after my 2 kids~! When do we say ENOUGH with these selfproclaimed authorities???? How much more damage can they do to her? Does she really deserve it? NO, her clothing was not appropriate to my liking....but come on, she looks very healthy ....I am sick to death of the tabloids and big mouths criticizing women because they are not walking sticks....who said that looks sexy? Brittany Baby, you look really nice, cover up tho, it is not appropriate. And to those bag of bones that people look up to as goddesses, eat a burger for crying in a bucket. I love the more curvier figures of healthy gals better then those whispy transparent waffers.
Okay so if you haven't jumped onto my site go take a look! Every day in the month of September there will be a fun tip! And register to win a BASKET full of goodies! Link on the right hand side of this blog!
Okay so enough of my soapbox. I have to get to cleaning....a clean heart and a clean house are two of my favorite things! Happy Thursday friends!