1. I am a first Generation American, both parents are from Italy, makes me 100% Italian!
2. I was a Drum Major for 2 years in High School and played in Marching Band, Symphonic band, Percussion and Steel Drums. I play: Flute , Piccolo, Sax, Percussion for over 10years in school....It was my passion.
3. I have been a SAHM for 20 years now and have loved every bit of it.
4. I was Born and partially raised in Brooklyn, New York and Spring Hill, Florida.
I have moved ALOT after College buy and selling homes with my DH....we did 2 cross country moves in 3 years with Toddlers...lots of fun...but never again! LOL! We are "settled" in our State now. (notice I didn't say home! We're always looking!)
5. As a young girl I was bitten by dogs (mainly German Shepards) so much I have a fear of dogs.
6. I am only 5'1 1/2" tall.....WHY?????
7. My Fantasy guy is Kenny Chesney.....My DH knows this! LOL!!!
Okay so now I am going to take the following friends blogs!
Jane: http://sneezy1956.blogspot.com/
Brandy Jo: http://brandyjosscrampinspot.blogspot.com/
Linda: http://www.dottbugs.blogspot.com/
Drea: http://drea-days.blogspot.com/
Alli: http://alli-scraps.blogspot.com/
April: http://familyballou.blogspot.com/
Erin: http://www.inkysmiles.blogspot.com/
I did the tag Tilda. I enjoyed reading your list. My dream guy is Sting and my dh is aware of this too. :)
Okay.............I'll FINALLY sit down and do this!!
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